"Our business is about people, building relationships and caring. Legal expertise and experience are simply the products we offer."
George Warshaw
Founder & Managing Partner"Put yourself in other people’s shoes: unless you can understand your client’s perspective and the other side’s motivation, you cannot effectively accomplish your client’s goals."
Noel Di Carlo
Senior Partner"I don't want a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do. I hire him to tell me how to do what I want to do."
Dominic Poncia
Partner"It’s not the strength of the individual players, it is the strength of the entire unit and how they all function together."
Stephanie Ellis
Chief Operating Officer"There’s a sense that time is precious, and you should enjoy and thrive in what you’re doing to the hilt."
Meaghan Callahan
Attorney"Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success."
David Foley
Financial Manager"It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan."
Marie Innarelli
Attorney"If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan but never the goal."
Ethan Mahfouz
Attorney"If I could change the world, every dog would have a loving home like me! Remember, unconditional love is as close as your nearest animal shelter."
Assistant Napping Coordinator"Happiness is a warm puppy."
Chief Barketing Officer"Dogs are like potato chips. You can’t have just one."