Can a Condo Association Evict a Unit Tenant for Misconduct?

Many Condominium Associations may know that their documents provide them with the right to evict a tenant for violating the rules, regulations and bylaws, but are these provisions valid and can they be practically implemented?

Attorney George Warshaw was the guest speaker at the Real...

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Designing your Home for Love & Profit

WDA along with Interior Designer Dane Austin and Architect Steven Reilly hosted a successful evening of Inspired Ideas to Create a Beautiful Home and Maximize its Value. Attorney George Warshaw moderated the panel which provided our guests with tips to help them create a home that they will love...

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Why WDA Has Gone to the Dogs!

A recent study from the Virginia Commonwealth University confirmed what we at Warshaw, Di Carlo and Associates have known all along; having dogs at work creates an all-around better working environment!

The study found that employees who brought their dogs to work experienced lower...

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Just Cause Eviction Public Hearing

Attorney Virgilio Ong attended Boston City Hall’s public hearing on the “Just Cause Eviction Proposal” on Monday, which many argue is the return of rent control. Given the controversy surrounding this proposed bill, hundreds of people showed up and crammed into the public floor and two overflow...

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Working with REBA to Support Women in Need

Warshaw, Di Carlo & Associates together with the Real Estate Bar Association's Women's Networking Group, are proud to sponsor and support the Women's Lunch Place (WLP) of Boston. REBA Board Member Noel DiCarlo, Founder George Warshaw and Chief Operating Officer Stephanie Ellis were all in...

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Rent Control Coming Back to Boston?

Public hearing at Boston City Hall on Monday March 14 at 4:00 PM.

If you are a residential property owner in the City of Boston, it is critical to pay attention to a proposal under consideration by City Council (the “Just-Cause Eviction” proposal). If passed, this proposal could...

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